
Monday, April 20, 2015

Living Without A Dream Is Like Living With No Soul

All too often I hear people admitting that they feel like they're lacking direction. Unsure about themselves, they have little to no idea what they should do with their lives. As crazy as it sounds, they aren't even sure about what they want, like there's some mask or mystery that hides their own true wants and needs.

Telling yourself "I'm not the kind of person who sets goals" is like chaining your heart in a cage and resigning yourself to mediocrity prison for life. Setting goals and wanting good things to happen in your life is fuel for your joy and happiness. Let's shake off the stigma and just go for it. Not sure what you want? See two paragraphs above, and below.

Not sure what makes you feel amazing? Uh oh. Looks like we have a bit of work to do. But don't worry my Zen-warrior-in-training, have a little faith. The inspiration, energy and passion is 100 percent there, and we can tempt it out again slowly. Just don't shut down your ideas and goals before you've even begun. Make like a kid again and give yourself permission to dream.

So what can we do about this? How can we shift from feeling like we don't know what we want, to knowing? How can we go from being unsure of ourselves to having a real sense of meaning and purpose? How can we become our own source of inspiration and generate happiness that comes from within us, rather than having to turn to something external like our partner, our bank account, or the weather, to make us feel happy and excited?
One of the best ways to do this is to simply tap into our desires, then dream beautiful dreams and set inspiring goals that fulfill our deepest desires. Then of course, we must take action to help make our dreams and goals happen.
But let's not just set goals that we think we should set. Instead, let's consider what is going to totally rock your world. What is going to make you feel seriously amazing? Let's start with the FEELING, and then get DREAMING.
If you consider yourself a practical person and think it's too airy fairy to be a dreamer, no problem. We can just rephrase it. Instead of dreaming, let's just set some goals that you would love to make happen and that will make you feel amazing.
Don't like the concept of setting goals? I suggest you make like Snoop Dogg and drop this limiting thought pattern like its smoking hot. There is nothing wrong with wanting things for yourself, and for others. If you consider yourself a free spirit, that's great. Me too! But is there any harm in choosing a direction for your life to head towards? Absolutely not. We can be a free sprit and set goals -- the two aren't mutually exclusive. There is nothing cold, corporate, or materialistic about it and you won't become a jerk just by deciding to set goals (and going after them like a bull at a gate).

Scared to set a goal because you might not get it? Sitting on the couch your whole life sure isn't going to make your heart sing. Time to be prepared to dare to fail at something. This one is so important I'm going to CAP it out so it's super clear. IT IS NO BIG DEAL IF YOU DON'T HIT YOUR GOAL. EVER. All that matters is that you can you want something with all your heart.
It is the wanting, dreaming, striving, and chasing, that makes life worth living. Otherwise known as, THE JOURNEY.
Just in case you think your dreams are too stupid, crazy, unrealistic or whatever other judgement you might impose upon yourself, here are 20 of my current aspirations and goals below. Some of them are attitudes to live by. Some of them are cheesy, others are ridiculous. None of that matters. Just want want ever you want. And don't justify it anyone.
Some of my GOALS AND DREAMS (in no particular order)
To live and love fearlessly, always.
Become a best selling author on enlightened living. 
Do Hajj & Memorise Complete Quran.
Learn to surf. Surf barrels in Indonesia, France, and around the world. 
Have a role in a Hollywood action movie. 
Cycle across a country. 
Do Warrior Horseback training in Mongolia.
Own a big, welcoming, beautiful home by the ocean, with a gorgeous flower and veggie garden. 
Become a Famous Writer 
Start a forgiveness revolution and teach 1000+ people how to forgive. 
Live in Paris for three months. 
Help as many people as I can to achieve their dreams and goals.
Do a backflip on beam (a gymnastics trick I haven't done since I was 14 years old).
Swim with a whale shark. 
Bring love, peace and joy to the world, every single day.
Ok enough from me -- what about you?
What's just ONE dream or goal that you would like to make happen in your life?
Write it up in the comments below and remember, no dream or goal is too small or too big!

Chinese President's Visit Of Pakistan

Pakistan and China signed 51 agreements on Monday during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s historic visit to the country.
“We have resolved to continue to cooperate to fight terrorism,” PM Nawaz said, while addressing the media and top diplomats in Islamabad.
“I have assured Xi, China’s security is as important to us as Pakistan’s security,” he added.
Nawaz said the two countries have decided to increase regional and economic cooperation and signed 51 agreements in this regard.
“Friendship with China is the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy.”
“We have taken a momentous decision that will raise Pakistan, China relations to new heights,” Nawaz said, referring to the agreements signed.
Nawaz added, “We have agreed to make coordinated efforts for peace and economic growth in the regions.”
Regarding the economic corridor, the premier said, “The economic corridor will benefit all provinces and areas of Pakistan.”
“It will enable China to create a shorter and cheaper route for trade with other countries,” he added.
Speaking at the occasion, the Chinese president said, “We held very fruitful talks and signed agreements.”
The Chinese president appreciated Pakistan’s efforts to eliminate terrorism and welcomed Pakistan’s membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
The Chinese president arrived at the Prime Minister House after receiving a rousing welcome at the Islamabad airport earlier today.
Xi is on a two-day state visit to Pakistan to sign a number of important agreements and MoUs worth $46 billion. The two countries are set to cooperate in gas, coal, and solar energy projects to provide 16,400 megawatts of electricity — roughly equivalent to the country’s entire current capacity.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
Eight MoUs were signed during the meeting pertaining to Chinese investment in the country.

During his meeting with the Chinese president, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan is fully resolved to deepen its relations further with China.
“China is our trusted and close friend,” he added.
Nawaz said people of Pakistan were anxiously waiting for the visit of the Chinese President.
“We warmly welcome a great leader from our great friend.”
He also welcomed the first lady of China who is accompanying the President Xi Jinping.
The Chinese President said promotion of Pak-China relations is the joint heritage and bright future of the two countries.
“Strengthening of cooperation with Pakistan is part of the economic agenda of China,” the Chinese president said.
Jinping expressed confidence that implementation of the economic corridor would open a new chapter of cooperation between the two countries.
The Chinese president said he chose Pakistan as the first country to visit abroad during the current year.
Further, he thanked Pakistan for providing assistance in evacuation of stranded Chinese nationals in Yemen.
Upon arrival, a fleet of eight JF-17 Thunder fighter jets received the President of People’s Republic of China and escort him to airport.

JF-17 Thunder fighter jets
A 21-gun salute was also presented to the honorable guest at the airport.

 Xi Jinping walks with his Pakistani counterpart Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chief of Army Staff General Raheel arrived at the airport to welcome the Chinese premier.
 Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Pakistan’s Army Chief Raheel Sharif. PHOTO: AFP

The Chinese president was accompanied by First Lady Madam Peng Liyuan, senior ministers, high-level functionaries of the Communist Party and senior government officials.

Chief executive officers from a wide spectrum of business houses of China also accompanied the president.
The entire route right from the airport to Constitution Avenue was decorated with colourful banners inscribed with slogans reading: “Long Live Pak-China Friendship”, “Pak-China Friendship Deeper than Oceans”, Brothers” “Pak-China partners in Peace and Development.”
Portraits of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Mamnoon Hussain and PM Nawaz were on display on both sides of the route.
Horticulture Wing of Capital Development Authority was also tastefully decorated all the major avenues in the city with plantation of beautiful seasonal flowers, Radio Pakistan reported.

 Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan wave as they arrive at Nur Khan air base in Rawalpindi PHOTO: AFP
President Mamnoon Hussain also hosted a luncheon in honour of the visiting dignitary.
President Xi Jinping will be conferred the country’s highest civil award, the ‘Nishan-e-Pakistan’ at a special investiture ceremony at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.

While welcoming the delegations to Pakistan, the premier appreciated efforts taken by the organisations to undertake various projects including Pakistan-China Economic Corridor.
PM Nawaz also said that Pakistan is facing an energy shortage and the government has made a commitment to nationals to overcome the shortage during his tenure.
“Therefore, I am emphasising on timely completion of these projects, particularly those related to the energy sector,” he added.

The premier said the government would provide all possible facilities to the Chinese companies.
“We will work with the organisations to remove any kind of obstacles affecting the completion of these planned projects,” he said.
PM Nawaz was also pleased to note that Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the largest bank in the world, will look into the possibility of setting up economic zones in Pakistan and encourage Chinese businesses to invest there.
The Chinese executives extended their best wishes to the premier and government.

The members of the delegation also said that strong Pakistan-China friendship ties provide an excellent platform for increasing commercial activities between the two countries.
The federal minister for water and power, chief minister Punjab, Pakistan’s ambassador to China, Secretary water and power were also in attendance.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

40 Rules of Love

Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

1. How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear
and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we.

2. The path to the Truth is a labour of the heart, not of the head. Make your heart your primary guide! Not your mind. Meet, challenge and ultimately prevail over your nafs (self, psyche, soul) with your heart. Knowing your ego will lead you to the knowledge of God.

 3. You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe, because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover.

4. Intellect and love are made of different materials. Intellect ties people in knots and risks nothing, but love dissolves all tangles and risks everything. Intellect is always cautious and advises, ‘Beware too much ecstasy’, whereas love says, ‘Oh, never mind! Take the plunge!’ Intellect does not easily break down, whereas love can effortlessly reduce itself to rubble. But treasures are hidden among ruins. A broken heart hides treasures.

5. Most of problems of the world stem from linguistic mistakes and simple misunderstanding. Don’t ever take words at face value. When you step into the zone of love, language, as we know it becomes obsolete. That which cannot be put into words can only be grasped through silence.

6. Loneliness and solitude are two different things. When you are lonely, it is easy to delude yourself into believing that you are on the right path. Solitude is better for us, as it means being alone without feeling lonely. But eventually it is the best to find a person who will be your mirror. Remember only in another person’s heart can you truly see yourself and the presence of God within you.

7. Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighbourhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be thankful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that he has been denied.

8. Patience does not mean to passively endure. It means to look at the end of a process. What does patience mean? It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn. Impatience means to be shortsighted as to not be able to see the outcome. The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full.

9. East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey a journey within. If you travel within, you’ll travel the whole wide world and beyond.

10. The midwife knows that when there is no pain, the way for the baby cannot be opened and the mother cannot give birth. Likewise, for a new self to be born, hardship is necessary. Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong, Love can only be perfected in pain.

11. The quest for love changes user. There is no seeker among those who search for love who has not matured on the way. The moment you start looking for love, you start to change within and without.

12. There are more fake gurus and false teachers in this world than the number of stars in the visible universe. Don’t confuse power-driven, self-centered people with true mentors. A genuine spiritual master will not direct your attention to himself or herself and will not expect absolute obedience or utter admiration from you, but instead will help you to appreciate and admire your inner self. True mentors are as transparent as glass. They let the light of God pass through them.

13. Try not to resist the changes, which come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

14. God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexorably moving toward perfection. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture.

15. It’s easy to love a perfect God, unblemished and infallible that He is. What is far more difficult is to love fellow human beings with all their imperfections and defects. Remember, one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without love. Unless we learn to love God’s creation, we can neither truly love nor truly know God.

16. Real filth is the one inside. The rest simply washes off. There is only one type of dirt that cannot be cleansed with pure waters, and that is the stain of hatred and bigotry contaminating the soul. You can purify your body through abstinence and fasting, but only love will purify your heart.

17. The whole universe is contained within a single human being-you. Everything that you see around, including the things that you might not be fond of and even the people you despise or abhor, is present within you in varying degrees. Therefore, do not look for Sheitan outside yourself either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks from without. It is an ordinary voice within. If you set to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness.

18. If you want to change the ways others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses.

19. Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That is the hardest part and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Don’t go with the flow. Be the flow.

20. We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No hearts beat to the same rhythm. If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is an amount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme.

 21. When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a wine bibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearance. Sufis do not judge other people on how they look or who they are. When a Sufi stares at someone, he keeps both eyes closed instead opens a third eye – the eye that sees the inner realm.

22. Life is a temporary loan and this world is nothing but a sketchy imitation of Reality. Only children would mistake a toy for the real thing. And yet human beings either become infatuated with the toy or disrespectfully break it and throw it aside. In this life stay away from all kinds of extremities, for they will destroy your inner balance. Sufis do not go to extremes. A Sufi always remains mild and moderate.

23. The human being has a unique place among God’s creation. “I breathed into him of My Spirit,” God says. Each and every one of us without exception is designed to be God’s delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it fells upon each of us to discover the divine spirit inside and live by it.

24. Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both present inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy or fight someone we tumble straight into the fires of hell.

 25. Each and every reader comprehends the Holy Qur’an on a different level of tandem with the depth of his understanding. There are four levels of insight. The first level is the outer meaning and it is the one that the majority of the people are content with. Next is the Batin – the inner level. Third, there is the inner of the inner. And the fourth level is so deep it cannot be put into words and is therefore bound to remain indescribable.

26. The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in a silent conversation. Do no harm. Practice compassion. And do not gossip behind anyone’s back – not even a seemingly innocent remark! The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile.

27. Whatever you speak, good or evil, will somehow come back to you. Therefore, if there is someone who harbours ill thoughts about you, saying similarly bad things about him will only make matters worse. You will be locked in a vicious circle of malevolent energy. Instead for forty days and nights say and think nice things about that person. Everything will be different at the end of 40 days, because you will be different inside.

28. The past is an interpretation. The future is on illusion. The world does not move through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and the future out of your mind and remain within the present moment.

29. Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore, to live everything to the fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance. The music of the universe is all pervading and it is composed on 40 different levels. Your destiny is the level where you play your tune. You might not change your instrument but how well to play is entirely in your hands.

30. The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a single bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. How can there be opponents or rivals or even “others” when there is no “self” in the first place? How can there be anyone to blame when there is only One?

31. If you want to strengthen your faith, you will need to soften inside. For your faith to be rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather. Through an illness, accident, loss or fright, one way or another, we are all faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before…

32. Nothing should stand between you and God. No imams, priests, rabbis or any other custodians of moral or religious leadership. Not spiritual masters and not even your faith. Believe in your values and your rules, but never lord them over others. If you keep breaking other people’s hearts, whatever religious duty you perform is no good. Stay away from all sorts of idolatry, for they will blur your vision. Let God and only God be your guide. Learn the Truth, my friend, but be careful not to make a fetish out of your truths.

33. While everyone in this world strives to get somewhere and become someone, only to leave it all behind after death, you aim for the supreme stage of nothingness. Live this life as light and empty as the number zero. We are no different from a pot. It is not the decorations outside but the emptiness inside that holds us straight. Just like that, it is not what we aspire to achieve but the consciousness of nothingness that keeps us going.

34. Submission does not mean being weak or passive. It leads to neither fatalism nor capitulation. Just the opposite. True power resides in submission to a power that comes within. Those who submit to the divine essence of life will live in unperturbed tranquility and peace even the whole wide world goes through turbulence after turbulence.

35. In this world, it is not similarities or regularities that take us a step forward, but blunt opposites. And all the opposites in the universe are present within each and every one of us. Therefore the believer needs to meet the unbeliever residing within. And the nonbeliever should get to know the silent faithful in him. Until the day one reaches the stage of Insan-I Kamil, the perfect human being, faith is a gradual process and one that necessitates its seeming opposite: disbelief.

36. This world is erected upon the principle of reciprocity. Neither a drop of kindness nor a speck of evil will remain unreciprocated. For not the plots, deceptions, or tricks of other people. If somebody is setting a trap, remember, so is God. He is the biggest plotter. Not even a leaf stirs outside God’s knowledge. Simply and fully believe in that. Whatever God does, He does it beautifully.

37. God is a meticulous clock maker. So precise is His order that everything on earth happens in its own time. Neither a minute late nor a minute early. And for everyone without exception, the clock works accurately. For each there is a time to love and a time to die.

38. It is never too late to ask yourself, “Am I ready to change the life I am living? Am I ready to change within?” Even if a single day in your life is the same as the day before, it surely is a pity. At every moment and with each new breath, one should be renewed and renewed again. There is only one-way to be born into a new life: to die before death.

39. While the part change, the whole always remains the same. For every thief who departs this world, a new one is born. And every decent person who passes away is replaced by a new one. In this way not only does nothing remain the same but also nothing ever really changes. For every Sufi who dies, another is born somewhere.

 40. A life without love is of no account. Don’t ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritual or material, divine or mundane, Eastern or Western. Divisions only lead to more divisions. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire! The universe turns differently when fire loves water.