
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pakistani Army Role In Osama Bin Laden's Death.

It is paramount in the wake of US attack on Pakistan in the dead of the night that Pakistan make a stand. Pakistan is on a slippery slope where they were not even trusted with a joint operation and now the time has come that even third class countries like India are threatening Pakistan.
How Pakistan came to this place. This place where its leadership is now totally humiliated in the eyes of their own public. Pakistani public is asking questions about the capabilities of Pakistan military and it's intelligence services. They are rightly asking about the public money that is being used by Pakistan Army and which can be used by the government to build school,hospitals,roads e.t.c.
Today's attack on Hazara town in Quetta (where terrorists operating from within Afghanistan at the behest of Indian RAW killed at least 8 innocent people and wounded many more) clearly shows the need for Pakistan to finally stand up to America. It is time to say enough is enough and if US cannot control anti Pakistan activities emanating from Afghanistan, than Pakistan will deal with Indians the way they know best.
Everything must discussed in open for Pakistan is being blamed for everything between heaven & earth. The world needs to know that no one is pious in this game of deceit.
It is time to make a stand. It is now or never. 
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